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Awareness. Do you ever just stop and think what that means? Are you aware?

I think, for the most part, we just get up in the morning and move through our day dealing with whatever comes across our path, not thinking too much about it except to handle it, to get through it, or to make it right. However, there is so much more going on then we might ever think.

These situations, circumstances, challenges, irritating people, can be the very thing that will change the course of our life forever. IF we will stop and really take a look at what is in our path for the day, we can step into blessing  and avoid disaster and destruction, or step into a mess that can take years to undo. 

Let's face it, many of the decisions we make, the choices we choose, or the words we 'spontaneously' say, will make or break us pretty quickly! Nothing like a sinking heart to tell us that we missed it, that we made the wrong choice that now cannot be undone.

Being aware means 'to be observant of, to pay attention to, having knowledge of or being conscience of, being alert'. It also means to be mindful of what is going on around you in the workings of the Holy Spirit in your life for the day.  What you may see as a real obnoxious irritation could be a major lesson or blessing in disguise. Being alert in the natural man is to have intuition. Being alert in the spiritual man is to be discerning and wise.

Which sounds better to you?

Do you ever think about the workings of God the Father in your daily life? 

Let's stop and not be so quick to be so 'busy' that we are irritated and bulldozing our way through our day and miss what Jesus might be trying to do for us. There are wonders all around us, answers to our prayers, the love and presence of our heavenly Father. gate-keepers for our miracles.

Stop. Breathe. Be AWARE. Don't miss where the Lord is working!!!

Take time from now on to 'be aware'!

- Pastor Sandi

  (Amplified Bible)

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be firm (steadfast), immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord [always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord], knowing and being continually aware that your labor in the Lord is not futile [it is never wasted or to no purpose]."


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